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Group, Northwest, Southwest, United, US Airways | Permalink | Comments frontier airline credit card Hawaiian, Aloha, Southwest most punctual carriersFor the full-year frontier airline credit card Hawaiian Airlines turned in top rating among all 20 carriers that report data (page 5) to the Department of frontier airline credit card Hawaiian led frontier airline credit card frontier airline credit card with a 93.3% on-time rating. Rounding out frontier airline credit card year's ten most punctual carriers were Aloha frontier airline credit card Southwest (80.1%), Frontier (77.6%), Delta (76.9%), AirTran (76.8%), Northwest affiliate Pinnacle (76.3%), Delta frontier airline credit card United affiliate SkyWest (75.7%), Continental (74.3%) and ExpressJet (73.8%).Delta affiliate Atlantic Southeast had the worst on-time frontier airline credit card of the frontier airline credit card carriers, with 64.7% of its flights arriving within 15 minutes of schedule in 2007. Rounding out the bottom ten frontier airline credit card Delta affiliate Comair (67.9% on frontier airline credit card US Airways (68.71%), American (68.74%), American affiliate American Eagle (69.1%), Northwest (69.6%), JetBlue (70.1%), United (70.3%), Alaska frontier airline credit card (72.4%) and frontier airline credit card frontier airline credit card Mesa (73.1%). Airline frontier airline credit card site soars web.
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